What you should know about the public works law

For context, the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC), engineering colleges and other involved instances have emphasized the need to have effective planning, as well as a correct and responsible participation by the different companies and associations in the infrastructure projects that are developed in the country.

The CMIC, in the voice of different representatives, has also highlighted the importance of having a Law that facilitates and promotes investment in the construction sector for the benefit of society; and it is that Mexico continues to be a country with good growth parameters in said industry.

Based on what is established in Article 27 of the Law: agencies and entities can decide between three different procedures, the nature of the contract that ensures the Mexican government the best available conditions in terms of price, quality, financing, opportunity and other circumstances.


  1. Public tender
  2. Invitation to at least three people
  3. Direct award

In addition, public works contracts and any services related to them are awarded through public tenders, through a call. The proposals that are made are free and of a public nature for your knowledge.

In relation to the aforementioned, the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) has a digital platform where open contracts can be reviewed at the national level.

All contracting procedures are established under the same requirements and conditions for those who decide to participate in them, without forgetting that both agencies and entities provide each interested party with complete information on the process, with the aim of avoiding any favoritism.

Simply in the year 2018, the investment of the Mexican government exceeded $587,000 million pesos, which have been and are being transformed into infrastructure works for the benefit of society.


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